Chemical Peels
My new training course for Chemical Peels is now here and NEW to my training academy. You will learn to work with the professional-only range from 4T Medical by Clinicare, meaning you will be trained in 3 types of chemical peels.
There is pre-requisites to attending this course - you must be level 3 Anatomy & Physiology qualified as well as have a Facial qualification and experience in facial treatments.
This is a one day course which will see you learning the theory online and completing a quiz to test your knowledge, and then attending a practical training day where models are provided for you to work on. The course is limited to two students only with 3-5 live models provided for you to work on.
The products you will work with on the day will be provided in your kit so you are able to offer this treatment to clients straight away. This course is accredited with CPD Centre of Excellence and is £395 (inclusive of kit).
What you will learn:
Health & Safety
Steralisation & Disinfection
Skin Anatomy, Types & Conditions
Ageing and Skin Analysis
Contraindications & Contra-actions
Chemical Peel Types
Chemical Peel Depths
Client Consultation
How to Carry Out the Treatment
Aftercare Advice
Training dates can be booked online via the 'book now' button above - dates are chosen to suit you.
To register your interest please email Hayley with your chosen date: